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Neoolife Technology awarded by ERC

Neoolife Technology awarded by ERC

Pittsburgh – Professor Antonio D’Amore, Chief Technology Officer of Neoolife, Inc., has been awarded the Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council. The ERC grant is the most competitive and prestigious European Union award (worth USD 2 M+). The grant is a special award aiming to fund top-notch science leading to ground-breaking technologies. Professor D’Amore’s work focuses on Neoolife’s novel electrodeposition process called Double Component Deposition (DCD). This technology allows creating durable, non-thrombogenic, and resistant to calcification tissue-engineered Biomimetic Heart Valves for Cardiovascular Therapy (no stem cells, no cell culture, no animal-derived tissues). Once implanted, these polymeric valves are progressively populated with the patient’s native tissue (endogenous in situ tissue regeneration). RiMed will be the host institution, and the University of Pittsburgh, UPMC Italy-ISMETT, and the University of Palermo are partners.

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